Department Introduction


Hung-Yu Chien

Educational Background

PhD, Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chung Shing University, Taiwan

Area for research

IoT application, IoT security, Cryptography, Ontology-based system, Infra-red spectra and machine learning


Computer Security and Food spectra analysis lab.

Research and Interest

  • IoT Security: For example MQTT security, integrated 5G&IoT security, and so on.
  • IoT applications: For example beekeeping IoT, Beehive sound interpretation, Wisdom Campus, and so on.
  • Cryptography: For example Security certification, Security signature, Mechanish of key certificate, and so on.
  • Ontology application: Vanilla Knowledge Expert System, Herbal Medicine Efficacy Ontology System, and so on.
  • Spectral Food Safety and Machine Learning: Interpretation of the main types of native honey, Interpretation of the main edible oil/coffee/essential oil types in the market, and so on.
  • Value development of local special agricultural products: handmade soap made of Litsea cubeba, different products use with Litsea cubeba to development value, and so on.

Student`s research and works share

  1. NCNU IM B11 Lab 介紹 2015 06
  2. NCNU IM魚菜共生 (2min59sec)
  3. 三寶機概念影片 (4min13sec)
  5. 香草治療呼吸道專家系統
  6. 顧晨生學姊分享如何兼顧專題及準備台清交研究所推甄
  7. 陳淯凡學姊分享如何兼顧專題及企研所
  8. 張以慈2017紐芬蘭交換體驗
  9. 楊博舜操作光譜儀
  10. Wispace for high school [資管專題第2名]
  11. Bee team for high school [資管專題第一名]
  12. [暨大資管養蜂物聯網獲 2018農業創新黑客松比賽第三名]物聯網、機器人、人工智慧改變農業!2018農創松用創意開啟無限可能
  13. TANET1212 Splunk video_NCNU security lab
  14. NCNU_IM伯昌_改良之Gen2v2標籤認證協定與模擬實作
  15. NCNU_IM黃騰右_植基於Gen2v2無線射頻的安全及隱私保護之設計與模擬實作
  16. NCNU_IM_2015以Splunk探索網路安全及商業智慧分析精簡版
  17. 植基於Zigbee與Ontology之日月潭智慧互動導覽系統
  18. NCNU IM 陳琨柏改良物聯網IOT群組通訊認證分析與模擬實作
  19. NCNU_IM_劉博承_應用WebRTC建構多媒體媒合平台-以線上協尋系統為例20170517
  20. NCNU_IM_侯進德_行照RFID化之應用設計
  21. NCNU_IM_張智程NFC校園資訊應用系統
  22. NCNU香草治療呼吸道專家系統
  23. NCNU_IM_許凱傑_RFID防偽應用系統
  24. NCNU_IM_陳志憲_Gen2_匿名投票_自動偵測公佈欄
  25. NCNU_IM_黃貞維_Gen2_生鮮超市_自動字幕機
  26. 國立暨南國際大學 109 畢業專題 (第三名, 李漢偉, 蔡旻珈, 賴品臻) – AmazPu
  27. [IoT System] 與蓮華池研究中心&蜂神養蜂場進行蜜蜂聲音機器學習判讀
  28. [Food safety] Fast Honey Identification using Infrared spectra and Machine Learning (以光譜機器學習判讀蜂蜜)楊博舜,石安通
  29. [Food safety] Exploration of Fast Edible Oil Classification Using Infrared Spectrum, Machine Learning, and Chemometrics
  30. [IoT Security] Secure and Efficient MQTT Group Communication Design
  31. [IoT Security] Hierarchical MQTT with Edge Computation

Educational background

  1. 中興大學-應用數學所博士
  2. 臺灣大學-資訊工程所碩士
  3. 交通大學-資訊科學系學士

Works experience

  1. 國立暨南國際大學資管系 教授
  2. 國立暨南國際大學資管系 副教授
  3. 朝陽科技大學 副教授
  4. 南開技術學院 副教授
  5. 南開技術學院 講師
  6. 智邦科技 國外業務員
  7. 交通部電信研究所 聘用助理研究員


1. 最佳論文: Hung-Yu Chien, Jia-Zhen Yen, Tzong-Chen Wu, “An Unconditionally Secure Lightweight RFID Authentication Protocol with Untraceability”, The 5th Joint Workshop on Information Security (JWIS) 2010. [Best paper award]
2. 最佳論文: H. Y. Chien, “ID-Based Key Agreement with Anonymity for Ad Hoc Network”, accepted and to be appear in proceedings of The 2007 IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, December 17 - 20, 2007 , Taipei, Taiwan, LNCS 4808, pp. 422-431, Springer.
3. Editor, ISRN Communications and Networking, Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
Lead guest editor International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks Special
Issue on Innovative Applications and Security of Internet of Things (IoT)
International Editor, International Journal of Information Security Science,
ISSN:2147-0030, publisher: GAZI UNIVERSITY, Turkey. 2012~
.Editor, ISRN Scientific World, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. 2014~
4. Visiting scholar, University California, Davis. Hosted by Prof. S. (Shyhtsun) Felix Wu. 2011.08~2012.07
5. 98, 106 年度暨大研究績優獎
6. 暨南大學 101, 104 年高引用率論文獎
7. 國科會 100, 101,102,103,104,105 年度獎勵特殊優秀人才
8. 第六、八屆中華民國資訊安全學會 理監事2009/08 ~ 2012/05
9. 100年度(第49屆)國科會補助科學與技術人員國外短期研究: 2011.08~2012.07.: 社群安全之研究
10. 國科會計畫團隊績優獎- 2013.8.29 +2014.9.3
11. 2011 the top 10 most cited paper in the computer journal
12. 十八學年度無線射頻辨識與企業資源規劃(RFID & ERP)就業學程計畫, 職訓局
13. 九十八學年度國科會補助台奧雙邊合作研討會[整合 RFID 網路之安全, Security in the Internet of Things]
14. 專題[以物聯網為基礎建構魚菜共生系統暨資料分析共享平台]獲「2016第21屆全國大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽」 佳作。2016/11
15. 第八屆中華民國資訊安全學會 常務監事 1045.30~107.5.29
16. 2017.10.20前瞻資安技術產業座談會 演講 [最新一代無線射頻標籤 (EPC Gen2 version 2)之],政治大學。
17. NCNU 106年度傑出研究教師
18. 2019/05/01~07/31 日本會津大學訪問研究 [ 5G & IoT security]

Scholarly journals

  1. Jan, J. K., Tseng, Y. M. and Chien, H. Y., “A Threshold Signature Scheme Withstanding the Conspiracy Attack”, Communications of the Institute of Information and Computing Machinery, Taiwan, Vol.2, No.3, Sept. 1999, PP.31-38 (1999)
  2. Chien, H. Y., Jan, J. K., and Tseng, Y. M. “An Impersonation Attack on Tan-Zhu’s Remote Login Scheme”, Electronics Letters, United Kingdom, Vol.36, No.14, July 2000, PP.1202-1203 (2000). [SCI]
  3. Tseng, Y. M., Jan, J. K. and Chien, H. Y. “Comment on Security of Digital Signature with One-time Pair of Keys”, Electronics Letters, United Kingdom, Vol.36, No.16, 2000, PP.1374-1375 (2000). [SCI]
  4. Chien, H. Y., Jan, J. K., and Tseng, Y. M. “A Practical (t,n) Multi-Secret Sharing Scheme”, IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Japan, Vol.E83-A, No.12, Dec. 2000, PP.2762-2765 (2000) . [SCI]
  5. Chien, H. Y., Jan, J. K. and Tseng, Y. M. “A Modified Remote Login Authentication Scheme based on Geometric Approach”, The Journal of Systems and Software, U.S.A. Vol.55, Jan. 2001, PP.287-290.
  6. Chien, H. Y., Chen, Y. H., Jan, J. K. and Tseng, Y. M. ”Cryptanalysis on dynamic authentication protocol for personal communication system”, Electronics Letters, United Kingdom, Vol.37, No.14, July 2001, PP.895-896.
  7. Chien, H. Y., Wu, T. C., Jan, J. K. and Tseng, Y. M. ”Cryptanalysis of Chang-Wu’s Group-oriented Authentication and Key Exchange Protocols”, Information Processing Letters, Amsterdam, Vol.80, No.2, Oct. 2001,PP. 113-117.
  8. Tseng, Y. M., Jan, J. K. and Chien, H. Y. “On the Security Methods for Protecting Password Transmission”, International Journal of Informatics, U.S.A. Vol.12, No.3, PP.469-476..
  9. Chien, H.Y., and Jan, J.K. “An efficient secure broadcasting in a hierarchical tree”, Journal of Computer, vol. 14, no. 3-4, pp. 6-11 (Dec. 2002).
  10. Chien, H.Y., “Cryptanalysis on Lin-Wu’s Convertible Group Signature”, Journal of Computer, , vol. 14, no. 3-4, pp. 12-15 (Dec 2002).
  11. Tseng, Y. M., Jan, J. K. and Chien, H. Y. “On the Security of Generalization of Threshold Signature and Authenticated Encryption”, IEICE Trans. On Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications of Computer Sciences, Japan, Vol. 84 , No. 10, PP. 2606~2609 (2001). [SCI]
  12. Chien, H. Y., Jan, J. K. and Tseng, Y. M. ”An unified approach to secret sharing schemes with low distribution cost”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 723-733 (2002). [SCI, EI]
  13. Chien, H. Y., Jan, J. K. and Tseng, Y. M. “An Efficient and Practical Solution to Remote Authentication: Smart Card”, Computers & Security, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 372-375, (2002). [SCI, EI]
  14. Chien, H. Y., Jan, J. K. and Tseng, Y. M. “Cryptanalysis on Mu-Varadharajan’s e-voting”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 139, no.2-3, 2003, pp. 525-530. [SCI]
  15. Chien, H. Y., Jan, J. K. and Tseng, Y. M. “Forgery attacks on multi-signature schemes for authenticating mobile code delegates”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 51(6), pp. 1669-1671. (nov., 2002) [SCI, EI]
  16. Tseng, Y.M. , Jan, J.K., and Chien, H.Y. ”Digital signature with message recovery using self-certified public keys and its variants”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 136, No.2-3, pp. 203-214 (2002) [SCI]
  17. Chien, H. Y. ”New Approach to authorization and authentication in distributed environments”, Communications of the CCISA, Vol. 9 No. 3 (June 2003).
  18. Chien, H. Y., and Jan, J. K. “A hybrid authentication protocol for large mobile network”, The Journal of Systems and Software, U.S.A. Vol. 67, no. 2, 2003, pp 123-130. [SCI]
  19. Chien, H. Y., Jan, J. K. “Robust and Simple Authentication Protocol”, The Computer Journal, vol. 46, no. 2, pp.193-201, 2003 [SCI, EI]
  20. Tseng, Y. M., Jan, J. K. and Chien, H. Y. “Authenticated encryption schemes with messages for message flows”, International Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering, U.S.A., vol. 29, no. 1, 2003, pp. 101-109, 2003 [SCI, EI]
  21. Chien, H. Y. “Convertible authenticated encryption scheme without using conventional one-way function”, Informatica, vol. 14, no. 4, pp.445-454, 2003 [SCI]
  22. Chien, H.Y., Jan, J. K. ”New Hierarchical Assignment without Public-Key Cryptography”, Computers & Security, 22(6), 2003, pp. 523-526 [SCI, EI]
  23. Chien, H. Y., Jan, J. K. and Tseng, Y. M. “Partially blind threshold signature based on RSA”, Informatica, vol.14 , no.2 , pp. 155-166 (2003) [SCI]
  24. Chien, H. Y., Jan, J. K. “Improved authenticated multiple-key agreement protocol without using conventional one-way function”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 147(2), 2004, pp. 491-497 [SCI]
  25. Chien, H. Y., Jan, J. K. and Tseng, Y. M. “Solving the invalid signer-verified signature problem and comments on Xia-You’s group signature”, Journal of Systems and Software, vol.73 , no.3, pp. 369-373 , 2004
  26. Chien, H.Y., “Efficient Time-Bound Hierarchical Key Assignment Scheme”, IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, 16(10), pp. 1301 – 1304, 2004
  27. Chien, H.Y., Wang, R.C., and Yang, C.C. “Note on Robust and Simple Authentication Protocol”, The Computer Journal, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 27~ 29(2005). [SCI, EI]
  28. Chien, H.Y., “Comments on ID-based multi-signature with distinguished signing authorities”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 170, no. 2, 2005, pp 1284-1289.
  29. Hung-Yu Chien, Ru-Yu Lin, “An improved tripartite authenticated key agreement protocol based on Weil pairing”, IJASE 2005.
  30. Hung-Yu Chien, ‘”Approaches to Web Authentication and Password Compromise Risk”, Communications of the CCISA, Vol. 11, No. 3, July 2005.
  31. Hung-Yu Chien, “Improvements on Authentication Protocols with Anonymity Using Error Correction Codes”, Journal of Computer Science and Application, 2005.
  32. Chien, H. Y., “Comments: Insider attack on Cheng et al.'s pairing-based tripartite key agreement protocols”, Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2005/013.
  33. Chien, H.Y., “Comments on a Provably Secure Three-Party Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol Using Weil Pairings”, Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2005/013.
  34. Hung-Yu Chien, “Extending RSA Cryptosystems to Proxy Multi-Signature Scheme allowing Parallel Individual Signing Operation”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 29/3, pp. 527-532 , 2006. [SCI]
  35. Hung-Yu Chien, “ID-based Tripartite Multiple Key Agreement Protocol facilitating Computer Auditing and Transaction Refereeing”, Journal of Information Management 13(4), 2006, pp. 185~204. NCNU [TSSCI]
  36. Chien, H. Y., “Forgery attack on digital signature scheme without using one-way hash and message redundancy”, IEEE Communication Letters 10 (5), 2006, pp. 324~325. [SCI]
  37. Jinn-Ke Jan, Hung-Yu Chien, Hung-Yi Teng, “An efficient authentication protocol with perfect anonymity for 3G/WLAN interworking”, Journal of Computers, 2006.
  38. H.-Y. Chien, R.-Y. Lin, “Improved ID-based security framework for ad hoc network”, doi:10.1016/j.adhoc.2006.07.006. [EI]
  39. Hung-Yu Chien, Guest-Editor, Communications of the CCISA, Vol. 12, No. 4, October 2006.
  40. Chien, H.Y., Chen, C. H. “Mutual Authentication Protocol for RFID Conforming to EPC Class 1 Generation 2 Standards”, Computers Standards & Interfaces. Vol 29/2 pp. 254-259, Feb., 2007. [SCI]
  41. H.-Y. Chien, W. S. Lin, C. Y. Lin, S. C. Juan, Y. Z. Ku, S. H. Wang “Effective and Efficient Approach to Web Accounts Management and Authentication Minimizing Password Compromise Risk and Possible Loss”, Journal of Internet Technology 8(3), pp. 345-349, 2007. [EI].
  42. H. Y. Chien, and C. W. Huang, “Security of Ultra-Lightweight RFID Authentication Protocols and Its Improvements”, ACM Operating System Reviews, Volume 41, Issue 4, (July 2007), pp. 83-86. [EI].
  43. H. Y. Chien, “Comments on an Efficient ID-based Broadcast Encryption Scheme”, IEEE transactions on Broadcasting, 53 (4), pp. 809-810, Dec. 2007. [SCI]
  44. H. Y. Chien, “SASI: A New Ultra-Lightweight RFID Authentication Protocol Providing Strong Authentication and Strong Integrity”, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 4(4), pp. 337-340, October, 2007. [SCI]
  45. H. Y. Chien, Chen Wei Huang, “A Lightweight RFID Protocol using substring”, accepted and to be appear in proceedings of The 2007 IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, December 17 - 20, 2007 , Taipei, Taiwan, LNCS 4808, pp. 333-345, Springer.
  46. Hung-Yu Chien, Hung-Yi Teng, Yen-Cheng Chen, “An efficient authentication protocol with anonymity for 3G/WLAN interworking”, Journal of Internet Technology 9(1), 2008, pp. 15-24. [EI]..
  47. Hung-Yu Chien, “Selectively Convertible Authenticated Encryption in The Random Oracle Model”, The Computer Journal, 2008 51: 419-434;
  48. Hung-Yu Chien, “Efficient and practical approach to authenticating public terminals”, International Journal of Computers and Applications, 30(3) 2008. [EI]
  49. Hung-Yu Chien, Tzu-Hang Hsu and Yuan-Liang Tang, “Fast Pre-authentication with Minimized Overhead and High Security for WLAN Handoff”, Issue 2, Volume 7, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, February 2008. [EI]
  50. Hung-Yu Chien, “Forging a winning bid in Mu-Varadharajan’s E-auction”, Issue 1, Volume 5, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, January 2008. [EI]
  51. Hung-Yu Chien, “Practical anonymous user authentication scheme with security proof”, Computers & Security 27 (2008), pp. 216-223.
  52. Hung-Yu Chien · Tzong-Chen Wu, “Improving Varying-Pseudonym-Based RFID Authentication Protocols to Resist Denial-of-Service Attacks“, Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology (ISSN : 1598-3986) v.18, n.6B, pp.259-269, 2008.
  53. Hung-Yu Chien, Ru Yu Lin, “The study of secure e-will system on the Internet”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 25卷3期 (2009/05), 877-893.SCI]
  54. Hung-Yu Chien, Tzong-Chen Wu, “Provably Secure Password-Based Three-Party Key Exchange with Optimal Message Steps“, The Computer Journal 2009 (August) 52: 646-655; doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxn070 [1.394, 17 out of 49 Hardware & Architecture, 50 out of 116 Information Systems, 36 out of 9336 out of 93] [SCI, EI].
  55. Hung-Yu Chien, Tzu-Hang Hsu, “Secure Fast WLAN Handoff Using Time-Bound Delegated Authentication“, International Journal of Communication Systems. 2(5) (May 2009) 565-584
  56. An-Ni Shen, Song Guo, Hung Yu Chien and Minyi Guo, “A scalable key pre-distribution mechanism for large-scale wireless sensor networks“, CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE, Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper., 21(10), (2009 July), 1373-1387,
  57. Hung-Yu Chien, Chi-Sung Laih, “ ECC-Based Lightweight Authentication Protocol with Un-traceability for Low-Cost RFIDs“, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2009, 69(10), October 2009, pp. 848-853.
  58. Hung-Yu Chien and Chen-Wei Huang,“A Lightweight Authentication Protocol for Low-Cost RFID”, Journal of Signal Processing Systems, : Volume 59, Issue 1 (April 2010), Page 95-102. [SCI, EI].
  59. Hung-Yu Chien, Chin-Feng Lee, Shih-Bin Liu, Tzong-Chen Wu, “Enhancing Convenience and Situation-Aware Intelligence of Smart Home Services Using Passive RFID and Intelligent Controls”, International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, 2010 - Vol. 5, No.3 pp. 166 -173. DOI: 10.1504/IJIPT.2010.035387. (EI)
  60. Hung-Yu Chien, Tzong-Chen Wu, “Efficient and Scalable Key Agreement Schemes for Mobile RFID Readers and Servers”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), 2010, 6(12), pp. 5463~5472. [SCI]
  61. Hung-Yu Chien, Chia-Chuan Yang, Tzong-Chen Wu, Chin-Feng Lee, “Two RFID-based Solutions to Enhance Inpatient Medication Safety”, Journal of Medical Systems, Volume 35, Issue 3 (June 2011), Page 369-375. (SCI). DOI: 10.1007/s10916-009-9373-7Online First™ .
  62. J. L. Huang, L. Y. Yeh, H. Y. Chien, “ABAKA: An Anonymous Batch Authenticated and Key Agreement Scheme for Value-added Services in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60(1), 2011, pp. 248-262. (SCI)
  63. Chin-Feng Lee, Hung-Yu Chien, Chi-Sung Laih, “Secure Tripartite STS key Agreement Protocol in Random Oracle Model”, Journal of Information Management 2011, 18(2), pp. 215~235 . (TSSCI).
  64. Hung-Yu Chien, “Secure Verifier-based Three-Party Key Exchange in The Random Oracle Model”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.27 No. 4, 1487-1501, July 2011. (SCI)
  65. Hung-yu Chien, Ming-kuei Yeh, Tzong-chen Wu and Chin-i Lee, “Comments on enhanced yoking proof protocols for radio frequency identification tags and tag groups”, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) 16 (5), 604-609, Oct 2011. (EI)
  66. Chin-Feng Lee, Hung-Yu Chien, Chi-Sung Laih, “Server-less RFID Authentication and Search Protocol with Enhanced Security”, International Journal of Communication Systems. 25(3) March 2012,pp.376-385. [SCI]
  67. Chin-Feng Lee, Hung-Yu Chien, Chi-Sung Laih, Chi-Sheng Chen, “On the security of Gen2-based protocols without modifying the standards”, the Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers, 35(4) (2012) 391-399. [SCI].
  68. Hung-Yu Chien, “Improved Anonymous Multi-Receiver Identity-Based Encryption”, The Computer Journal, 55 (4) (2012): pp. 439-446; doi: 10.1093/comjnl/bxr086. [SCI, EI]
  69. Hung-Yu Chien, Chu-Sing Yang, Hung-Pin Hou, “Non-linearity Cannot Help RFID Resist to Full Disclosure Attacks and Terrorist Fraud Attack”, online: 27 JAN 2012, Security and Communication Networks, 2013, Dec 6(12), pp. 1490–1495. (SCI)
  70. Chin-I Lee, Tzong-Chen Wu, Hung-Yu Chien and Kuo-Yu Tsai. “Efficient ECC-Based Key Management Scheme for Secure Multicast in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks”. ICIC Express Letters, 6(8), 2040-2050, Aug 2012 (EI)
  71. Hung-Yu Chien, Chin-I Lee, Tzong-Chen Wu. “Comments on IMBAS: Identity-based multi-user broadcast authentication in wireless sensor networks”, online: 11 OCT 2012, Security and Communication Networks, 2013 Aug 6(8), pp. 993–998. [SCI]
  72. Hung-Yu Chien, Tzong-Chen Wu, Ming-Kuei Yeh, “Provably Secure Gateway-Oriented Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol Resistant to Password Guessing Attacks”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 29(2), pp. 249-265 (March 2013) [SCI]
  73. HungYu Chien, “Combining Rabin Cryptosystem and Error Correction Codes to Facilitate Anonymous Authentication with Un-traceability for Low-End Devices”, Computer Networks, 2013 Oct 57(14), pp. 2705–2717. [SCI]. (2013)
  74. Hung-Yu Chien, Shyr-Kuen Chen, Ching-Yang Lin, Jia-Ling Yan, Wei-Chen Liao, Huan-Yi Chu, Kuan-Ju Chen, Bo-Fan Lai and Yi-Ting Chen, “Design and Implementation of Zigbee-Ontology-based Exhibit Guidance and Recommendation System”, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2013年11月8日[SCIE]
  75. HungYu Chien, “IMPROVED GENERALIZED RING SIGNATURES”, ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, Volume 5, Number 1(tentative), February 2014. [EI]
  76. HungYu Chien, “Provably Secure Authenticated Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange for Resource-Limited Smart Card”, accepted by Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science). [EI]
  77. Hung-Yu Chien, Tzong-Chen Wu, Chien-Lung Hsu “RFID Authentication with Un-traceability and Forward Secrecy in the Partial-Distributed-Server Model”, 2014.Nov accepted by IEICE trans. on Information and Systems. [SCI- COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS (91/99)]
  78. Hung-Yu Chien, "Authenticated Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Scheme that Protects Client Anonymity and Achieves Half-Forward Secrecy," Mobile Information Systems, vol. 2015, Article ID 354586, 7 pages, 20
  79. Hung-Yu Chien, “A Generic Approach to Improving Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Efficiency for Thin Clients”, The computer Journal, 2016 59: 592-601. Nov. 2, 2015, DOI 10.1093/comjnl/bxv094. [SCI][IF:0.787][44/102 2013, 61/102 2014, 53/106 2015] early/2015/11/02/comjnl.bxv094
  80. Chin-I Lee and Hung-Yu Chien, "An Elliptic Curve Cryptography-Based RFID Authentication Securing E-Health System," International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2015, Article ID 642425, 7 pages, 2015/12/6. doi:10.1155/2015/642425. [SCI]. Rank: 52/82.
  81. Hung-Yu Chien, “Elliptic Curve Cryptography-Based RFID Authentication Resisting Active Tracking”, Wireless personal communications, September 2016, ISSN: 0929-6212 (Print, , 紙本證明) 1572-834X (Online) DOI: 10.1007/s11277-016-3756-0, IF: 2015/0.701, ranking: 63/82.
  82. Hung-Yu Chien, “Efficient Authentication Scheme with Tag-Identity Protection for EPC Class 2 Generation 2 Version 2 Standards”,     International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, accepted 2017/2/9.
  83. Hung-Yu Chien, “Group Authentication with Multiple Trials and Multiple Authentications”, Security and Communication Networks, vol. 2017, Article ID 3109624, 7 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/3109624. [SCI]
  84.     Hung-Yu Chien, “An Effective Approach to Solving Large Communication Overhead Issue and Strengthening the Securities of AKA Protocols”,   International Journal of Communication Systems, 20170610 accept, online: 12 JUL 2017 | DOI: 10.1002/dac.3381, 2018 Jan. 31(1) [SCI] 
  85.     Hung-Yu Chien, “Using The Modified Diffie-Hellman Problem to Enhance Client Computational Performance in Three-Party Authenticated Key Agreement”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 20170721 online. DOI: 10.1007/s13369-017-2725-6; February 2018, Volume 43, Issue 2, pp 637–644 [SCI]
  86.     Hung-Yu Chien, Jian-Fan Chen, Yu-Yu Chen, Pei-Syuan Lin, Yi-Ting Chang, Rong-Chung Chen,"An Ontology-based Herb Therapy Recommendation for Respiration System," IIH-MSP 2017: Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing pp 74-8, part of 1mart Innovation, Systems and Technologies book series (SIST, volume 81), Springer. [SCOPUS, EI-Compendex and Springerlink].
  87. Hung-Yu Chien, “Group-Oriented Range-Bound Key Agreement for Internet-of-Things Scenarios”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018031 accept. JUNE.2018, 5 (3), pp. 1890-1903. Date of Publication: 19 March 2018. DOI (identifier) 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2817075 [SCI]. impact factor 7.596, 排名 JCR Computer Science—Information Systems 世界第三
  88.   Hung-Yu Chien, An-Tong Shih, Bo-Shuen Yang, and Vincent K. S. Hsiao, “Fast Honey Classification Using Infrared Spectrum and Machine Learning”, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 16, Iss. 6, 2019, pp. 6874–6891. [SCIE, 2018 1.313, mathematics 219/492].
  89.   Hung-Yu Chien, “Novel Attacks and Novel Efficient Three-Party Authenticated Key Agreement Schemes for Resource-Limited Devices”, Journal of Internet Technology, Dec. 2019, Volume 20 (2019) No.7, pp. 2177-2188. [SCIE]
  90.   Hung-Yu Chien, Yi-Jui Chen, Guo-Hao Qiu, Jian Fu Liao, Ruo-Wei Hung, Xi-An Kou, Pei-Chih Lin, Mao-Lun Chiang, Chunhua Su, “A MQTT-API-Compatible IoT Security-Enhanced Platform”, International Journal of Sensor Networks, 201907 accept [SCIE,2018, 119/155, 1.289]

Conference papers

  1. 簡宏宇, 「電算中心多媒體學習環境架構」, 86年多媒體教學環境規劃與遠距教學研討會, (1987.10).
  2. Huang, J. H. and Chien, H. Y. "Optimal Connection of Interconnected Token Rings", Proc. Telecommunication Symposium, Taiwan, pp.339-344 (1990).
  3. 簡宏宇等電信研究所資訊室同仁, 「An Implementation of CMIP/CMISE Conformance Test System」, International Workshop on Protocol Test System, (1994. 11).
  4. Chien, H. Y. "Decision-making support for equipment management using homepage and database," in proceedings of 1998 Asia Pacific Decision Institute Conference, Taipei, (1998.6).
  5. Chien, H. Y., Wu, T. C., Jan, J. K., and Tseng, Y. M. "Improvements of Chang-Wu group-oriented authentication and key exchange protocol", C-210~C-214, 1999 National Computer Symposium (1999).
  6. Chien, H. Y., Jan, J. K., and Tseng, Y. M. "On the Generalized Threshold-Based Secret Sharing Schemes", Proceedings of the 10th National Security Conference, National Dung Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan, May 2000, pp. 285-290 (2000). Cited Number: 2
  7. Tseng, Y. M., Jan, J. K. and Chien, H. Y. "Authenticated Encryption Schemes with Message Linkages for Message Flows", Proceedings of the 10th National Security Conference, National Dung Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan, May 2000, pp.401-407 (2000).
  8. Chien, H. Y., Jan, J. K., and Tseng, Y. M. "A New Generalized Group-Oriented Cryptosystem Based on the Systematic Block Codes", Proceedings of the 2000 International Computer Symposium Workshop on Cryptology and Information Security, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan, , pp. 26-32 (Dec. 2000).
  9. Chien, H.Y., Jan, J. K., and Tseng, Y. M. "Undeniable billing of anonymous channel services in wireless communication", Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications, Technologies (PDCAT 2001), (July 9-11, 2001).
  10. Chien, H. Y., Jan, J. K., and Tseng, Y. M. "RSA-Based Partially Blind Signature with Low Computation", Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Parallel And Distributed Systems, KyongJu City, Korea, June 2001, pp. 385-389 (2001). Cited Number: 7
  11. Chien, H. Y., "Forgery Attack on Xia-You's Group Signature", International Computer Symposium, Dec. 18~21, 2002, Hualien, Taiwan (2002).
  12. Chien, H. Y., and Jan, J. K. "Improvements of integrated user authentication and access control scheme", Proceedings of the 13th International Security Conference, (2003).
  13. 詹進科、簡宏宇、陳哲鋒、陳育毅, 「嵌入圖檔的資訊隱藏方法與實作」, Proceedings of the 13th International Security Conference
  14. Chien, H. Y., and Jan, J. K. "An integrated user authentication and access control scheme without public key cryptography", IEEE International Carnahan Conference 2003 on Security Technology (2003)
  15. 詹進科 , 簡宏宇 , 游菀瑄, : '線上彩券系統設計與建置', Proceedings of the 14th International Security Conference, (2004). NSC91-2626-E-252-002
  16. 簡宏宇、陳哲豪 : '針對Zhou-Fan-Li所提機制之攻擊與改良', Proceedings of the 14th International Security Conference, (2004). NSC91-2626-E-252-002
  17. Chien, H.Y.: "An improved ECC-based proxy-protected signature scheme", Proceedings of the 14th International Security Conference, (2004). NSC91-2626-E-252-002
  18. Chien, H.Y. "Improved ID-based Tripartite Multiple Key Agreement Protocol from Pairings", Proceedings of the 14th International Security Conference, (2004). NSC91-2626-E-252-002
  19. Hung-Yu Chien, Ru-Yu Lin, "Security analysis of the pairing-based, authenticated encryption scheme with self-certified public key", 第十屆全國資訊管理暨實務研討會, 2004 12/18 NSC91-2626-E-252-002
  20. Hung-Yu Chien and Che-Hao Chen "A remote authentication scheme preserving user anonymity", The IEEE First International Workshop on Information Networking and Applications, March (INA'2005)(ISBN 0-7695-2249-1), pp. 245-248. NSC92-2213-E-324-036, Cited Number:1
  21. Hung-Yu Chien, Wei Sheng Lin, Chun Yi Lin, Shu Chun Juan, Yun Zhen Ku, Shu Hua Wang, "New Approach to Web Account Management", IMB2005,March 25-26, 2005. (ISBN: 9579129339) NSC92-2213-E-324-036
  22. Hung-Yu Chien, Wei Sheng Lin, Chun Yi Lin, Shu Chun Juan, Yun Zhen Ku, Shu Hua Wang ,"E-passport preventing forgery and fraud", IMB2005,March 25-26, 2005. (ISBN: 9579129339) NSC92-2213-E-324-036
  23. Hung-Yu Chien, Hung-Yi Teng, Yen-Cheng Chen, "Highly Efficient Authenticated Key Agreement in Integrated 3G/WLAN IP Networks with Multiple Partially Trusted Providers", Proceedings of the 15th Information Security Conference. NSC92-2213-E-324-036
  24. Hung-Yu Chien and Ru-Yu Lin, "Cryptanalysis on Xie's Id-based key agreement", Proceedings of the 15th Information Security Conference NSC92-2213-E-324-036
  25. 簡宏宇,鄒森輝,白朱閔,巫愛雯,陳佳惠,樊誌濟, "利用赫序函數及橢圓曲線密碼系統建置線上彩券系統", Proceedings of the 15th Information Security Conference NSC92-2213-E-324-036
  26. Hung-Yu Chien, Yien Tsang Wu, Yung-Chi Tn, Chia-Ming Liu, Wen Hung Lai, Wan-Jou Fan, "Design and implementation of highly efficient authentication protocol and E-restaurant system", Proceedings of the 15th Information Security Conference). NSC92-2213-E-324-036
  27. Chien, H. Y., "On the revocation of proxy signatures", IWCS2006, HongKong, June 20~22, 2006. NSC 94 - 2213 - E - 324 - 027
  28. Chien, H. Y., and Lin, R. Y., "Identity-based Key Agreement Protocol for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Using Bilinear Pairing", The IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC2006), June 5-7, 2006 Taichung, Taiwan. NSC 94 - 2213 - E - 324 - 027
  29. Chien, H. Y., "Secure Access Control Schemes for RFID Systems with Anonymity", 2006 International Workshop on Future Mobile and Ubiquitous Information Technologies (FMUIT'06), Japan. NSC 94 - 2213 - E - 324 - 027.
  30. Chien, H. Y., Lin, R. Y. "ID-Based E-Will System using Bilinear Pairings", IWCS2006, HongKong, June 20~22, 2006. NSC 94 - 2213 - E - 324 - 027
  31. Chien, H. Y., Teng, H. Y. Teng, Chen Y. C., " Highly Efficient Authenticated Key Agreement in Integrated 3G/WLAN IP Networks", IWCS2006, HongKong, June 20~22, 2006. NSC 94 - 2213 - E - 324 - 027
  32. Hung-Yu Chien, "Cryptanalysis on a Provably Secure Three-Party Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol Using Weil Pairings", Proceedings of the 16th Information Security Conference, 2006. NSC 94 - 2213 - E - 324 - 027
  33. 林茹玉, 簡宏宇, "使用雙線性配對函數與身份為基礎之公開金鑰密碼系統建置線上密封式遺囑系統", Proceedings of the 16th Information Security Conference, 2006. NSC 94 - 2213 - E - 324 - 027
  34. 簡宏宇, 陳哲豪, "適用於EPC Class 1 Generation 2 RFID 標籤之安全認證機制", Proceedings of the 16th Information Security Conference, 2006. NSC 94 - 2213 - E - 324 - 027
  35. Hung-Yu Chien, Hung-Yi Teng, "An efficient user identification and key distribution scheme preserving user anonymity", Proceedings of the 16th Information Security Conference, 2006. NSC 94 - 2213 - E - 324 - 027
  36. Chien, H.Y., Chen, Y. L., "A Secure and Efficient Time-Bound Hierarchical Key Assignment Scheme", 2006第十二屆資訊管理暨實務研討會(CSIM IMP2006). NSC 94 - 2213 - E - 324 - 027
  37. Chien, H.Y., Hsu, T.H., " 植基於IEEE 802.11i 的安全快速預先認證機制", 2006 第十二屆資訊管理暨實務研討會(CSIM IMP2006). NSC 94 - 2213 - E - 324 - 027
  38. Hung-Yu Chien, "Secure E-Tender Protocol with Adaptive Privacy Protection and Adaptive Public Verifiability", International Conference on Business and Information, July 11-13, 2007, Tokyo, Japan. NSC 95-2221-E-260 -050 -MY2
  39. Hung-Yu Chien, Yuan-Liang Tang, Ying-Lun Chen, "A Secure and Efficient Time-Bound Hierarchical Key Assignment Scheme", in proc. of the 2007 IAENG International Conference on Communication Systems and Applications, Hong Kong, 21-23 March, 2007 NSC 95-2221-E-260 -050 -MY2
  40. Hung-Yu Chien, Yuan-Liang Tang, Tzu-Hang Hsu, "Secure Fast Pre-authentication Based on IEEE 802.11i", in proc. of the 2007 IAENG International Conference on Communication Systems and Applications, Hong Kong, 21-23 March, 2007. NSC 95-2221-E-260 -050 -MY2
  41. Hung-Yu Chien, "Novel verifiable multi-secret sharing scheme using bilinear pairing", 2007 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies (AIT2007), Taichung, Taiwan. NSC 95-2221-E-260 -050 -MY2.
  42. H. Y. Chien, "New efficient user authentication scheme with user anonymity facilitating e-commerce applications", IEEE Joint Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'07) and Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE '07), Japan, July 2007. NSC 95-2221-E-260 -050 -MY2.
  43. H. Y. Chien, C. W. Huang, "Cryptanalysis of LMAP, M2AP and LI-Wang's improvements", The 17th Information Security Conference, ChaiYi, Taiwan, May 2007. NSC 95-2221-E-260 -050 -MY2.
  44. 簡宏宇,陳榮靜,沈安妮, "高效率、高安全性、低儲存成本的感測節點金鑰分配", 第十屆電子商務學術研討會, 2007年10月10日, 國立台北大學, 臺北,台灣. 收錄於 「電子商務研究」學報。 NSC 95-2221-E-260 -050 -MY2.
  45. Hung Yu Chien, Rung-Ching Chen, Annie Shen, "Efficient Key Pre-distribution for Sensor Nodes with Strong Connectivity and Low Storage Space", The IEEE 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2008), March 25 -28, 2008, Okinawa, Japan. (EI)
  46. 簡宏宇 劉世斌, "以動態樹狀結構為基礎之高效律 RFID 認證", 全國第一屆RFID科技論文研討會, Jan. 31~ Feb. 1, Taipei, Taiwan.
  47. Hung-Yu Chien, Tzong-Chen Wu, "Highly Efficient Password-Based Three-Party Key Exchange in Random Oracle Model", Proc. IEEE ISI 2008 pre-conference workshop, Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics, June 17-20 2008, Taiwan, LNCS 5075, pp. 69-76, 2008, Springer, Berlin.. (LNCS, EI)
  48. "Varying Pseudonyms-Based RFID Authentication Protocols with DOS Attacks Resistance", proc. of 2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, IEEE APSCC 2008, December 9-12, 2008, Yilan, Taiwan. (EI).
  49. Hung-Yu Chien, "Highly Efficient ID-based Ring Signature from Pairings", proc. of 2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, IEEE APSCC 2008, December 9-12, 2008, Yilan, Taiwan. (EI).
  50. An-Ni Shen, Song Guo, Hung-Yu Chien, “ An Efficient and Scalable Key Distribution Mechanism for Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks“, IEEE International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Sensor Networks (MASSN), Sydney, Australia, December, 2008.
  51. Hung-Yu Chien, Shih-Bin Liu, “Tree-Based RFID Yoking Proof“, nswctc, vol. 1, pp.550-553, 2009 International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing, 2009.
  52. Hung-Yu Chien, Chieh-Shian Tu, Tzong-Chen Wu, “RFID-based, Anonymous Authentication scheme”, Ufirst-09 (International Symposium on UbiCom Frontiers - Innovative Research, Systems and Technologies in conjuction with The Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC09), July 13-14 , 2009, Brisbane, Australia
  53. Tzong-Chen Wu, Hung-Yu Chien, “Comments on Gateway-Oriented Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol“, The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP09) Sep. 12 - 14, 2009, Kyoto, Japan
  54. Chin-Feng Lee, Yu-Chang Chen, Hung-Yu Chien , Chi-Sung Laih “Anonymous RFID Yoking Protocol Using Error Correction Codes”, The 2010 Workshop on RFID Security (RFIDsec'10 Asia), Singapore, February 22-23, 2010.
  55. Hung-Yu Chien*, and Ying-Lun Chen, , Chien-Feng Lo, Yuh-Ming Huang, “A Novel E-Newspapers Publication System Using Provably Secure Time-Bound Hierarchical Key Assignment Scheme and XML Security,” 5th International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing GPC2010, Hualien, Taiwan, May 10-13, 2010.
  56. Hung-Yu Chien, Jia-Zhen Yen, Tzong-Chen Wu, “An Unconditionally Secure Lightweight RFID Authentication Protocol with Untraceability”, The 5th Joint Workshop on Information Security (JWIS) 2010. [Best paper award]
  57. Lee C.F., Huang S. R., Chien H. Y., Lee N. Y. Two-Party and Three-Party Remote User Authentication Schemes Using Biometric Data Only For Emergency. The 2nd International Symposium on Aware Computing 2010, Tainan, Taiwan
  58. Title:  An Unconditionally Secure Lightweight RFID Authentication Protocol with Untraceability

Author: Hung-Yu Chien

Editor: Yingjiu Li, Jianying Zhou

ISBN: 978-1-60750-484-9

Price: 95.00€

No. of pages: 172

Publisher: IOS出版社

Published: 2010

  1. Yan-Chen Liu, Hung-Yu Chien, Yu-Chang Chen, Chu-Sing Yang, “Integrated EPC Information Service Authentication using OpenID in Cross Domains”, RFIDSec Asia 2011, April 2011.
  2. Hung-Yu Chien, Ming-Kuei Yeh, Tzong-Chen Wu, Chin-I Lee, “Comments on Enhanced Yoking Proof Protocols for RFID Tags and Tag Groups”, The 2011 International Conference on Information Security & The First Cross-Straits Conference on Information Security (CSCIS 2011), HanZhou, China, April 13-15.
  3. Hung-Yu Chien, Chin-I Lee, Shyr-Kuen Chen, Hung-Pin Hou, “New RFID Authentication Protocol with DOS-Attack Resistance”, IEEE ICPADS 2011 Sep 7~9, Tainan, Taiwan.
  4. Hung-Yu Chien, Jia-Zhen Yen and Tzong-Chen Wu, “An Unconditionally Secure Lightweight RFID Authentication Protocol with Untraceability” in "Current Trends and Challenges in RFID",Edited by Cornel Turcu, ISBN 978-953-307-356-9, Published: July 20, 2011 under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
  5. Hung-Yu Chien, “Cryptanalysis on RFID Authentications Using Minimum Disclosure Approach”, The 8th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS2013) Seoul, Korea, July 25 - 26, 2013.
  6. Hung-Yu Chien, “Cryptanalysis on Generalized Ring Signatures”, Eighth International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2013), to be held in Kumamoto, Japan, September 14-17, 2013.
  7. HungYu Chien, “Provably Secure Authenticated Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange for Resource-Limited Devices”, The Second Cross-Straits Conference on Information Security (CSCIS 2013), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Sep. 11~13 2013.
  8. Yuh-Min Tseng, Tung-Tso Tsai, Sen-Shan Huang, Hung-Yu Chien, “Efficient Anonymous Multi-receiver ID-based Encryption with Constant Decryption Cost”, ISEEE 2014, April 26~28, Japan.
  9. Teng-Yu Huang, Hung-Yu Chien, “Gen2v2-Security-and-Privacy- Features-Leveraged Application Designs”, AsiaJCIS2014, Sep 3~5, WuHan, China.


  1. Hung-Yu Chien, Meng-Yuan Chiang, Yi-Ting Hsin, Chun-Pei Hung, “Efficiently tracking TANET suspicious packets and identifying the devices using Splunk”, International Computer Symposium (ICS2014), Dec 14-17, Taichung, Taiwan.
  2. Hung-Yu Chien, “De-synchronization Attack on Quadratic Residues-based RFID Ownership Transfer”, AsiaJCIS 2015.

70.H.-Y. Chien, M.-Y. Chiang, Y.-T. Hsin, C.-P. Hung “Another Effective Approach to Detect SQL Injection and Business Intelligence Using Splunk”, International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (ICEAS), July 20-22, Japan.

  1. Hung-Yu Chien*, Ying-Chun Cho, Jia-Yu Yeh, Ya-Ting Coa, Pei-Chin Tsai, ,Yun-Yu Chen, “An Ontology-based Herb Expert System for Digestion System Wellness”, International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies, Wufun, Taiwan, April 23, 2016.
  2. Hung-Yu Chien*, Mao-Chiung Wang, "Computer Assisted English Recognition and Pronunciation Evaluation", International Conference on e-CASE & e-Tech 2017, Kyoto, Japan, April 4-6, 2017
  3. Hung-Yu Chien*, Jian-Fan Chen, Yu-Yu Chen, Pei-Syuan Lin, Yi-Ting Chang, Rong-Chung Chen, “An Ontology-based Herb Therapy Recommendation for Respiration System”, IIHMSP 2017, Matsue, Shimane, Japan, Aug. 12~15, 2017.
  4. Yi-Jui Chen, Hung-Yu Chien, “IoT-based Green House System with Splunk Data Analysis”, 2017 IEEE 8th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2017), Nov. 8-10, 2017, Taichung, Taiwan.
  5. Hung-Yu Chien, “Dynamic Public Key Certificates for IoT and WSN scenarios”, The 13th IEEE International Workshop on Security, Trust and Privacy for Software Application (STPSA 2018); The 42nd IEEE Computers, Software & Applications (COMPSAC 2018 ), July 23~27, Tokyo, Japan. (MOST 106-3114-E-260-001)
  6. Hung-Yu Chien, Yuh-Min Tseng and Ruo-Wei Hung, “Some Study of Applying Infra-Red in Agriculture IoT”, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (IEEE ICAST 2018), Sep. 18-21 2018, Fukuoka, Japan,  IEEE press. (MOST 106-3114-E-260-001)
  7. Chen, Yi-Liang; Chien, Hung-Yu*; Hsu, Ting-Hsuan; Jing,Yi-Jhen; Lin, Chun-Yu ; Liu, Yi-Chun “A Pi-based Beehive IoT System Design”, SICBS 2018 : 2nd International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services, Guilin, China, Dec. 14~16, 2018.  Springer [EI] (MOST 106-3114-E-260-001).
  8. Hung-Yu Chien, Chunhua Su, “A Fault-Tolerant and Flexible Privacy-Preserving Multisubset Data Aggregation in Smart Grid”, 20th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2019), July 8-11, 2019, Toyama, Japan.
  9. Hung-Yu Chien, Xi-An Kou, Mao-Lun Chiang, Chunhua Su, “Secure and Efficient MQTT Group Communication Design”, 20th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2019), July 8-11, 2019, Toyama, Japan. Computational Science/intelligence & Applied Informatics, Roger Chin Tat Lee 編輯.
  10. Hung-Yu Chien, Chunhua Su, “Modular Design of Conditional Privacy-Preserving Schemes with Forward Secrecy for VANETs under the Non-Tamper Resistance Assumption”, 2019 International Conference on Innovative Computing and Management Science (ICMS 2019), July 19-22, 2019, Osaka, Japan.
  11. Hung-Yu Chien, An-Tong Shih, Yuh-Min Tseng, “Exploration of Fast Edible Oil Classification Using Infrared Spectrum, Machine Learning, and Chemometrics”, the 10th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2019), Morioka, Japan., Oct. 23-25, 2019, Morioka, Japan.
  12. Hung-Yu Chien, Guo-Hao Qiu, Ruo-Wei Hung, An-Tong Shih, Chunhua Su, “Hierarchical MQTT with Edge Computation”, the 10th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2019), Morioka, Japan., Oct. 23-25, 2019, Morioka, Japan.

Doctor dissertation

  • The Study of Authentication Schemes for various Communication Environment (各種網路環境下認證機制之研究)


  1. 中華民國專利; 認證方法、認證系統及電子標籤; (102)智專二(三)04273字第1022048938001;
  2. [認證方法] 中華民國104 8 4 (104)智專二(三)04379 字第10421036660 號
  3. [交談金鑰之建立方法] 中華民國104 年7 月28 日(104)智專二(二)04426 字第10420995550 號
  4. 發明第I608722號[公開金鑰憑證方法]


  1. Hung-Yu Chien, "The Study of RFID Authentication Protocols and Security of Some Popular RFID Tags" in the book "Development and Implementation of RFID Technology", Dr. Vedran Kordic (Editor), I-Tech Education and Publishing Kirchengasse 43/3, A-1070 Vienna, Austria, EU.
  2. Book: Hung-Yu Chien, "Innovative Applications and Security of Internet of Things," International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2014, Article ID 717898, 1 pages, 2014.
    ISSN: 1550-1329; ISBN: 2370000145932[SCIE]


Research project

  1. 「植基於智慧卡 (smart card) 的安全機制研究」,南開工商專校提供(NKC-90-05-02),2001/8 -- 2002/7。113,000
  2. 「具低計算量的部份盲簽章的研究」,國科會提供(91-2626-E-252-002-),2002/8 -- 2003/7。$129,600
  3. 「密碼學及資訊安全研究群」,南開技術學院提供(BD1301-14-16),2002/8 -- 2003/7。 4. "The authentication of ATM and public terminals," supported by National Science Council (NSC92-2213-E-252-007 or NSC92-2213-E-324-036), 2003/8 -- 2004/7. $338,100
  4. 「93自我評鑑改善-校園無線區域網路之安全存取」,電算中心提供(A014),2005/2 -- 2005/7。$580,000.
  5. 94, 95年度技專院校發展學校重點特色暨推動技專院校整合專案計劃 -E-Life子計劃二 : GCA智慧校園 4636, 4637, 1st year $2,441,000,2nd year $2,325,000
  6. [在多重憑證中心環境下植基於雙線性配對之身分基礎式,跨領域認證金鑰及簽章之研究] NSC 94 - 2213 - E - 324 - 027
  7. "協同計劃主持人"網際商貿開放協定 (IOTP) 之安全研究與B2B商務應用 (NSC94-2213-E-126-008), 940801~960731, 1st year $473,000, 2nd year $483,000.
  8. "協同計劃主持人"教育部創意智庫計畫(只有公文字號「台顧字第0940105850號」), 創意學習線上課程 ? 駭客任務三部曲 --- 資訊安全、密碼學應用、資訊倫理, $464,000
  9. "共同主持人" 建立更安全公平的跨平台數位產權管理機制」(95-2221-E-005-045-MY2), 950801~970731, 1st year $391,000, 2nd year 511,000
  10. "協同計畫主持人" 一種公平且不可否認的行動商務系統之研究(The Study of A Fair and Non-repudiated Mobile Commerce System), (NSC 95-2221-E-324-025, 950801~960731, $511,000.
  11. "可抵擋內部攻擊者之可證明式三方認證?鑰協定設計及證明", NSC 95-2221-E-260 -050 -MY2.
  12. "提升暨大資訊安全研究量能計畫", 資本門代號 T9710000058, 經常門代號 T9710000057, 800,000.
  13. NSC 97 - 2221 - E - 260 - 008 - MY2, " 可證明式,可選擇性轉換鑑別加密及安全投標系統等應用", 新台幣(大寫) 壹 佰 零 壹 萬 肆 仟 元整, 14. 十八學年度無線射頻辨識與企業資源規劃(RFID & ERP)就業學程計畫, 職訓局
  14. 九十八學年度國科會補助台奧雙邊合作研討會[整合 RFID 網路之安全, Security in the Internet of Things]
  15. (協同研究人員):簡宏宇, 九十八學年度國科會補助[教育單位網站應用程式弱點監測平台計畫] 99.1.1~99.12.31; 99.1.1~100.12.31(協同研究人員)
  16. 參與 [教育單位網站應用程式弱點監測平台計畫] 100.1.1~101.4.30
  17. 參與 技轉單位:成功大學資通安全研究與教學單位, 接受技轉單位:優仕達資訊股份有限公司, [如何設計及評估安全防偽系統之技術移轉].
  18. 國立暨南國際大學98年度學術交流出國計畫[日本會津大學暑期參訪計畫], 尹邦嚴、簡宏宇、 阮夙姿.
  19. 共同主持人, 國科會整合型計畫 [具隱私協商與風險管理之聯合服務架構計畫], 98.10.1~99.7
  20. 計畫主持人, [文化創意產業營運模式研究與交易市集建置計畫]
  21. 整合型計畫之子計畫主持人 [適用於NFC應用環境之聯合安全服務平台-子計畫一:不可追蹤之輕量級認證機制之研究] 99.08~102.07. 101-2218-E-260-001-
  22. 社群資訊及安全之研: 100年度(第49屆)補助科學與技術人員國外短期研究: 2011.08~2012.07.
  23. 在分散式伺服器模型下不可追蹤之無線射頻認證及所有權移轉之研究及實作102-2221-E-260-011-: 2013/08/01~2014/07/31
  24. 在分散式伺服器模型下無線射頻認證所有權移轉之研究及實作-2 2014/08~2015/07  國科會
  25. 以改良式 Diffie-Hellman problem 設計各種移動設備情境下之高計算效能之金鑰協議機制. MOST 105-2221-E-260-014 
  26. 解決整合物聯網應用及未來5G系統之認證挑戰及數據分析(1/3)MOST 106-3114-E-260-001
  27. 解決整合物聯網應用及未來5G系統之認證挑戰及數據分析(2/3) 107.10.1~108.9.30
  28. 日本會津大學訪問研究 (The study of integrated 5G & IoT security) 2019/5~2019/7
  29. The study/implementation of Highly Efficient NB-IOT D2D
    authenticated group communication and authenticated data transfer (高效率之 NB-IoT 之 設備對設備 群組認證協議/認證加密之研究及實作) 2019/08~2022/07

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